Saturday, November 20, 2010

Birthday Break Dancing

They dance like their dad......:)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Happy Spring! The weather is slowing warming up. Seems a lot like CO or IA weather. Warm one day and cool the next. We've had a few hot days, up to 80 and the next day 60 and rainy.

Time is flying by here in Oz. Luke now only has 3 weeks of school left and then is off for 1.5 months for holiday break. Henry only has 3 more days of preschool as well.

We continue to keep busy with play dates and outings with our friends. Luke has played in a tennis tournament and plays soccer every Friday afternoon. And I just started playing softball on a co-ed league.

Henry continues to expand his interests and surprise us with his own unique observations of day to day life. Oscar is talking up a storm and doing a good job of keeping up with his brother.

At the moment, we are gearing up for Luke's birthday party. The keg is getting delivered in a few hours. I've made cupcakes(with Linda's help), cut up a ton of carrots, made a boat load of pizza dough, cooked the wieners and chicken. This is the biggest birthday party we've ever thrown. Here's hoping all goes well!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

New Do

Just got my hair chopped....

Here's a before and after ;)

(Deb, it's kind of like yours, too weird!)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Busy Spring!

We've had a busy October. I'll give a quick summary as to what we've been up to.

1 Birthday party
2 Road trips (Ballarat and Dandenong Range)
2 Halloween parties( a kid one today and an Other Half one coming up)
4 Other Half meet ups (not including the upcoming party)
6 play dates
1 date night
3 days of preschool(Henry LOVES it!)

I can't believe that it's November next week. That will be 3 months we've been here and 1.5 till we return for Christmas. It's feeling just like yesterday and it also feels like it's been forever since we arrived. School keeps Luke busy and I know if he wanted to, could be studying every spare moment. I'm looking forward to when we can have adventures with him!

I'll do my best to update more often in November!

kt and boys

I've also added a second album with more pictures.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In the Weeds.....

So with all the rain we have been having, the trees, flowers, grass and of course the weeds have been growing like crazy.

We got a notice from the rental agency saying that they have noticed that we have been neglecting our garden. I had actually been pulling weeds all morning before the notice was received. Anyway, the weeds were pulled, but the front parking still needed to be taken care of.

For the last week, Luke and I have been running outside looking to see where the sound of a distant lawn mower or weed wacker was coming from, hoping to borrow it for 5 minutes to cut the grass.

I finally broke down and spend $12 on a set of lawn tools. I got a hedge trimmer and pruning scissors.

Tonight, we cut the grass.

We also found the key to meeting your neighbors: do something stupid at the front of your house. At one point, there was a guy across the street just staring at us. He then came over to us and stood there and stared some more. Didn't say anything, just stood there watching Luke chop at the grass and me scooping it up. I finally asked if he lived in the neighborhood and his reply was, "No, but my friend lives across the street," and then he walked off.

Here's to hoping that we meet some new friends the next time we trim the lawn......

The final product!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I realized that I haven't posted in awhile. I promise to fill you in on what we've been up to for the last month!

I just added a few pix from the last few weeks. Stories to follow soon.....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Henry quote

Just a funny quote from Henry tonight after dinner.

Henry: Do you know what retire means? It means to take out of service. I think we should retire Oscar.

(Luke and I laughing)

Me: Where did you learn this?

Henry: Thomas the Train

Thanks, Thomas ;)

He starts Kinder (3 yr. old preschool) tomorrow. He keeps talking about how scared he's going to be until he meets his friends. I'm so glad he's so optimistic. I look forward for him to meet new friends and for us to expand out play circle a bit more to include kiddos his age.

I'll add a cute Oscar moment as well.....
I was putting him to bed and usually I sing to him. Twinkle, Twinkle is my song of choice. I started singing to him tonight.
Oscar: No twinkle, twinkle mom. Shhhh.(with his finger over his mouth)

Me: (stopped singing)

Oscar: Kronk-o sing (kronk-o is one of his nicknames)
His song went something like this: chocolate milk, chocolate milk, soy chocolate milk......

I have no idea where this came from, but it was pretty darn cute.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Can't believe it's only been two months since we arrived in Oz. Seems like ages ago that we arrived with all our luggage.

I really feel like we are getting settled now. I've made several new friends and see them weekly, if not more. I really think that has made the difference for the kids and I. Even though it's hard sometimes to get out the door and go meet someone new or bike down a new road, it always ends up being good and I'm happy I forced us on that new adventure.

Luke continues to have loads of homework as well as study group meetings, tutorials (on Saturday and Sunday), clubs and social activities. I know it's hard for him juggling all these things, but he makes it look so effortless. These are stressful times, but I know in the long run we'll be grateful for the experience and opportunity coming to Oz will give us.

I can't say that I don't miss our friends and neighborhood back at home. It's just different here, not bad, just different and I think we have been accepting it well. We don't have that same neighborhood dynamic here, but we are making due and adjusting to city life. It makes me appreciate the old hood and what we had there even more. It is truly a great place to live and raise kids. Henry still asks to go back to his orange house and to go back to his old school. We tell him it's just not time to go yet and that we'll be back there before he knows it.

Henry will start 3 year old kinder on Friday afternoons. We have been talking about it and today he said that he'll be scared to go on the first day, but after he meets his friends, he won't be scared at all. I'm looking forward for him to make some new friends and get to play with some kids his own age. We've really only met one other little boy that is his age and we've only been able to meet up twice, so he is VERY ready for kinder and all the fun they have planned for him.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Keeping Busy

Keeping busy is a good thing for us!

Last week I hosted dinner for the "Other Half" group from MBS. The students had a planned function at school so it was a good opportunity for the rest of us to get together.

I had 7 ladies from all over the world for dinner. Israel, Korea, Singapore, Bangladesh, Finland(had been living in Germany), Poland(had been living in Ireland) and the US. We all brought something to eat and of course there was plenty of wine to be had. Great conversation and laughs were had by all.

The boys were a big hit. Oscar had them all after he said, "hello, ladies" in his soft little voice.

I am by the far the oldest and the only one with kids. There was discussion about how hard it must be to have kids while Luke is in this program. A couple of them said that they had discussed it and are impressed that Luke is doing it. I really don't know what's harder, coming here as a wife/girlfriend with or without kids. I sometimes think I have it easier. The boys keep me busy, motivate me to get out of the house, meet new people and explore new things. I know if I didn't have them, I wouldn't have met some of the friends that I have through mum's groups and play dates.

Thank you Henry and Oscar!

Ok, got to to the park! I've added more pictures to the Aug/September album.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I promise to post soon!

Going wine tasting today! :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

A cart is a cart, right?

I have a complaint.

The grocery carts here do not have "fixed" wheels. All four of them turn every which way, which makes driving them a bit hard. Especially when I'm balancing my bike with a full trailer and walking down hill to the cart return.

Most of the grocery carts here require you to put in a $1 or $2 coin in them to use them. You get the coin back when you return the cart. It's really a great idea. You hardly ever see random carts sitting in the parking lot or parking spaces. Everyone wants their $1/2 back. But I have yet to figure out the best way to return my cart. I might have to leave the boys and groceries locked up while I go and return the cart. At that point, the boys are usually screaming over something, so that would be a great deterrent to taking them......

I've added two more pictures to the Aug/Sept album. One is of the boys swimming at an indoor pool. We had a great time and I'm sure we'll be swimming a lot more as the weather here warms up.

The other photo is a good idea of what I'm pushing or pulling around on a daily basis. I broke down and bought a cheap double umbrella stroller. I just can't take the bike trailer on the trams, so this was the next best option. I have a gallon of milk, 10 library books, my bag packed with everyday outing things, a computer printer and the boys. A great arm workout!

You should still see us getting on and off the trams. It's quite a production. Folding down the stroller while making sure no one is running out into the street and then getting all of us with the stroller on and off the tram is alway a tricky situation. So far, I've had some very helpful people help us. The boys know what to do, but Oscar is showing his independence and like to to get on and off by himself. It's cute to see him trying to take the big steps by himself. I'll have to try and capture some pictures of our tram adventures, with Luke's help of course!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Albert Park Adventure

Yesterday we decided to take advantage of the sunny day and biked to Albert Park. It was a good 5 miles away (8 km, I need to start converting). Our bike route took us right downtown. The bike lanes vary from shared pathway on the sidewalk, on the road in a bike lane, just in the road and copenhagen style. Copenhagen is my favorite. The set up is great: sidewalk, curb, bike lane, small median, parking lane, driving lanes. You are protected on both side with curb and parked cars.

Biking downtown on a Saturday was fun. There where tons of people out shopping, lunching and exploring. I notice that I get a lot of looks here with my bike trailer. I've seen a few, but none as nice as ours. I also get a lot of comments on it as well. I've heard: what a production, wow, so mod, can I have a ride?, just to name a few.

I've been a bit afraid of heading downtown with the boys in tow, but we really didn't have any problems..... until my flat tire. This is my second one since we've been here. I had brought a spare tube but used that one on the first flat. I replace my spare and had it with me but while I was in the middle of changing it, I noticed that it was waaaaaay too long for my tire. Since this being the first flat I'd changed by myself, I asked Luke if it was normal for the tube to be hanging out by 6 inches from the tire. Of course, no it was not, and so we were stuck. Luke headed off to find a bike shop while I played with the boys at the park.

Luke came back without a tube but a funny story. One of the bike shops he stopped at took one look at my tire and tube and asked if it was for a wheelchair! They had never heard of the size of tube that my bike takes and the second store he stopped hadn't heard of it either.

Gigi(my bike) is small, but not THAT small. Luckily, Luke remembered that he had a patch kit in his bike bag. I'm glad to say that his handy work held all the way home and was still holding Sunday afternoon. I think I have a few tubes on the way, but if you happen to see a 650x23c at your local bike shop, make a note and let me know!
I'm not sure what I'll do without my wheels. I bike everyday, everywhere. It's really the only way I can get around with the boys without having to book a car. Fingers crossed that my patch will hold!

Albert park was lovely. I really wish we would have been able to see more. Playgrounds, jogging paths, cafes, lake with people sailing around the island. I'm sure we'll make it back and be able to explore the park some more.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I realized that I haven't posted in over a week! My goal is to post once a week, now that we are starting to get into a schedule and routine. I'll do my best...

We've had several outings since Luke is off at school. It's better for us to stay busy and get out an about as much as possible. Just in the last week we've been to 2 mum's groups, 2 meet ups with with Linda (my new friend from the states), a girls night and a birthday dinner. Can't say I'm not keeping us busy.

One of the outing with Linda was driving to Chadstone, a very high end mall, that also had Target and Kmart attached. We have joined a car share program here. It's a great way to have access to a car without having to buy one ourselves. It was my first time driving and I didn't do too bad. My phone here has GPS and it worked great. I think the only hassle of using the car share program here is when I return the car, I have to lock out at my return time. It's hard to get the kids and car seats out in a hurry while still trying to keep an eye on the kids. I will have to give myself extra time at the end of my bookings, just to have time to get everyone and everything out! I already have the car booked for next week for another play date to take the boys swimming. I'll be driving farther this time and I won't have Linda with me to be my cheerleader.

I've actually had 2 girl's nights since we've been here. The first was dinner with Linda and the second was drinks with Angie. Both ladies are friends of friends back in Denver, what a small world! And I have more friend of a friend that I'm meeting next week. What are the chances?

Anyway, for drinks w/ Angie, I got to go out at night by myself, take the tram and find my way. It was so nice to get out and just relax and chat without having to referee the boys. I hope I have more girl's nights in the near future :)

I've met two mom's this week that I think we'll be seeing more of. One mom lives in my neighborhood. She has a 18 mo. old and she's crafty. All the things that I enjoy. I can't wait to have a meet up to see all her fun crafts and show me where all the hot spots for crafts are.

The other mom that I met this week is new to Mel as well. She moved here from the UK with her boys in March. The boys are almost the same age as H & O. We met up at a playground and by the end of the playdate, they were good buddies. It was so nice to see H have a friend to play with.

I've attached new photos off to the right as a slideshow. Click on the pictures to enlarge them. Thanks Debra for the tutorial!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Spring is here.

Today was the first day of spring and it was chilly and raining all day. I look forward to seeing our rose trees bloom. I call them trees because they have been trimmed to look like they have a trunk. We'll see what color they bloom.

The boys and I have been keeping busy while Luke is at school. This week we met up with a US friend of a friend. I think we hit it off right away and I look forward to our girls night tomorrow:)

I have a few more mom's meet up dates planned for next week and I'm hoping the weather holds out for us. I've been biking everywhere. One, it's faster and two, I could take the tram, but trying to carry Oscar and keep track of Henry scares me. I can just see us dropping something getting on or off, or H getting excited and hopping off the tram before it's time. I'm sure I'll get more comfortable over time. This is just the biggest city I've ever lived in(maybe Cairo was this big, but only had to worry about me and I always had someone with me).

I've started the process of getting Henry into the 4 year old Kinder program that starts in January. He just missing the cut off for going to primary by 2 weeks. Registration started back in March, so I'm way behind and I'm keeping my finger crossed! I think we BOTH need him to go to kinder asap!

I did babysit last week for two girls Henry's age and a little boy Oscar's age. The boys had a great time and I'm hoping to get my name out there as a stay-at-home mom/babysitter. Another option right now is that I become a Kinder school cook. The boys would be able to attend at half price while I'm there working and I'd get a (small) paycheck. I'd never thought I'd be a 'lunch lady', but it'd be great to get the boys in some sort of play group. I'll keep you posted as to whether or not I'll be wearing a hairnet in the near future!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Outings

We are almost at the end of Luke's first week of school. I was dreading this week, but we've actually been so busy that's it's flown by.
On Tuesday, I biked to the Collingwood Children's Farm. I had no idea where I was going and had to stop to ask directions several times. I got a bit lost, but we found our way. It was only about 4.5 miles, good exercise for me:).
The farm was really cute. We arrived just in time to milk Patsy the cow. Henry did great and Oscar got scared. We held guinea pigs, chased chickens, gazed at goats, baaaa-ed at the sheep and walked with the lambs. They were so cute and not very old. They still had their wobbly legs, too cute.
After our picnic lunch we headed home. My plan was to try and stay on the bike trail all the way home and not get lost. I did both, but it look me a lot longer and it was VERY hilly. So hilly that I had to get off my bike and push us up the hills. These hills were big and steep and pulling the boys is heavy. 40 lbs(H) + 30 lbs(O) + 33 lbs (trailer)=way too heavy to ride up those hills.
I think I did this about 6 times, so by the time I got home I was pooped. At one point, I had to cross under the train tracks at a train station. The path was clearly marked with a "NO BIKES" sign, and had barricades that I had to maneuver around, but I did it anyway. Some nice man helped me up the exit ramp and then made sure I knew where I was going.
There were several times on this adventure I almost turned around, but I kept going and we survived. I'm glad we went and I'm sure we'll be back again......... hills here I come!
Today and tomorrow are filled up as well. Today we go to the library for Spot's birthday party and then a tour of a local school for Henry. Tomorrow we meet up with a mom's group at the Melbourne Museum and then I am babysitting some local kids while their mom is out.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Old Lady

Today was Oscar's birthday. We had a very full day. Headed off to the Melbourne Zoo in the morning. We live very close(closer than we were in Denver) and so it was a nice sunny walk through the Royal Park. They both were very excited to be there. Henry was running from animal to animal and Oscar would say, "WOW!", at everything. We saw 3/4 of the zoo and then we headed home. On the walk home, both boys fell asleep, so Luke and I decided to do our grocery shopping for tomorrow's party.

There were a few things that we couldn't find, one of them being canned black beans. Simple, right? None to be found in two different stores. Luke knew of a mexican grocer so when we got home we looked them up online. According to their site, the store had closed an hour earlier. We called anyway just to see and they said they were closed. Luke hung up and then we called back to see if they knew of anywhere else to buy black beans. The lady asked what we wanted and said come on down, just have exact change. So out the door we went to get our beans. We really lucked out! The lady was there with our stuff in a bag waiting for us(2 cans of black beans and big can of chipotle chilies in adobo sauce). So nice of her. I can't wait to go back and actually look around.

For dinner we went to the pub on the corner of our street. It was early enough that it wasn't crowded or too loud. Dinner was nice and then we headed down the street to a gelato shop. Henry has developed a taste for chocolate(wonder where that comes from?) He had all over his face by the time he was done.

All in all a good day. Luke and I have been doing a little prep work this evening to prepare for our mexican feast tomorrow. Should be fun and nice to entertain the people who have helped us out so much since we have been here.

A side story from today. Here's how it went:
Henry: Mom, look, zebras!
Me: Yes, zebras.
A random little boy about Henry's age: No, they're ZEDbras, you old lady! (they say zed for z)

It still makes me laugh. His mom didn't quite hear what he said so I told her as I was laughing. I think she was embarrassed and then explained to her son how we both were right. Just love that he called me an old lady, too funny.

Friday, August 20, 2010

My little parrot

Oscar has started talking a lot more since we have been here. He's like a little parrot and will repeat the last word of whatever you are saying. Kind of cute.

He also has a nick name for Henry, its bum-bum. I'm not sure where this comes from, but it's pretty funny. I hear, "that's bum-bum's" or "no, bum-bum".

Another one of his favorite words right now is Carlo. Carlo is our landlord and he's been over a few time to fix things. Oscar always says it in a sweet high-pitched voice. And when we are out and he sees a ladder or tools he says, "that's Carlo's".

With him talking it's been much easier to figure out what he wants. I am hoping the fits will now die down, but he turns 2 tomorrow. We'll see..........

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Boys at the Bank

We took the boys to the bank today to open an account. We went prepared: a movie and a few snacks. They were so quiet and good. I know it seems a bit silly, but we didn't take either to the mobile phone store last week and it was a complete opposite picture. Oscar and Henry destroyed the place......signs pulled down for the ceiling, floor displays smashed, sample cell phones pulled off the wall-just to mention a few.... Today was a success!

The boys even earned themselves each a bank, not a piggy bank, but a platypus bank!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Melbourne Museum

Waiting for the tram to the museum. You can see down town (CBD) in the background.
One of the exhibits at the museum. Cool interactive screens to tell you what each animal was.
Italian butch shop, with a great butch block.

Today we went to the Melbourne Museum. I would say it is very similar to the Nature and Science Museum of Denver. The boys were both free(5 and under is free) and Luke and I were each 8, so not a bad deal. I'm sure I'll be back with the boys soon.
They had dinosaurs, a room with a whole bunch of animals and interactive screens that told you what they were and a large children's area. Another bonus was that our tickets are good for 4 days, so we could go back this weekend. There is a lot more that we could have explored, but we had to leave for lunch.
We found a nice hamburger place for lunch. And then wandered through some shops on our way to the tram. We stopped in a great spice store. Tons of spices, a lot of asian ones that I had never heard of and then all the standards. We didn't bring any spices with us, so we are anxious to restock. We also stopped into an Italian butcher shop to pick up some meat for Oscar's party on Sunday. They had a really cool butcher block that had at least two guys at it while we were there, cutting away.
All in all a pretty good day.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tour 2

Here's our back yard and our dryer/clothes line :). I really have to keep an eye on the weather so they don't get rained on! Our garage is huge and has a ton of storage cabinets. It makes it easy to just ride right in on our bikes. This is a view of our backdoor looking out to the back yard. More stained glass. The bathroom is the door on the right.
The family room/dinning area. The windows behind Luke are huge and have stained glass. They are also not clear(lets in light, but people from the street can't see in).
Kitchen window. Nice? From the outside the birds look iridescent. This glass, totally clear, I want to find some spring loaded curtain rods to put in the lower half of the window for a little bit more privacy.
Full view of the kitchen. Range is old, but works. Tons of cabinet space, most of them empty for now....
That's the house, minus the bathroom and laundry room. I'll try to post the pix of those soon.

We are enjoying exploring our neighborhood and all the shops. We live near a lot of "junk shops" as Luke calls them. I would compare them to the Dollar store, which has been very helpful for stocking the house. I've also found 2 consignment shops nearby :) One of our favorite shops is the bottle shop, we've been sampling the $5 wine selection. We've only had one so far that was un-drinkable, but is was only $3. May have to stick to the pricier $5 ones :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tour 1

We've been busy getting the house stocked before Luke starts school. I think we've done pretty well for being here just over a week. I do have to give Sue, Josie and Kort a lot of the credit, since they have provided us with more than I can list. We are so grateful for everything they brought to the house.

So here's a little tour for you:

Here's the front of the house. We are right on the corner of the block. We have a fenced in front, side and back. So the boy are always fenced in if they get out the front or back door. :)

As you enter the house, our bedroom is the first room on the left. Just a mattress for now. The built in robes are HUGE. Luke and I each have a space bag full of our off season clothes above our closets and that's it. I haven't even been able to open the center top because it's too high to reach.

Down the hallway, the boys room in the next room on the left. Their room is pretty much like ours. The drawers and closets are so big that I'm able to use one of the closets just for toys and books.

The hallway is long and skinny, perfect for the boys to run up and down. Luke and I are convinced that the neighbors hate us already. We've only seen them once, but I'm sure they can hear us ALL the time.

I don't know if you noticed, but ALL the windows and doors have stained glass in them (including the bedroom & bathroom doors). Some just pretty roses and others a bit odd(those pictures coming soon). I'll post pictures of the back half of the house soon.

Hope you've enjoyed the tour!

On a side note, we have been eating food from all sort of other cultures. Indian, thai, lebanese. I think my favorite and Henry's, was the lebanese pizza. Cheap and good. So proud of my boys trying new food. Luke also got Henry to eat brussel sprouts tonight. The trick? They were cooked with bacon and we told him we could see his muscles getting bigger each time he took a bite, just like Popeye the sailor man, toot-toot!

(sorry for the crazy lay-out, not sure how to fix it and I'll post of pix of our bedroom too, it keeps deleting my photos!)

Monday, August 9, 2010


Still no gas and no fridge. My hopeful thinking did not win today :( (change: fridge showed up at 7:30!!!! Can't wait to fill it up.)

I can do w/o the heat, we have 4 space heaters, but no hot water is sad. We are all going on almost a week without a bath or shower. I think we'll all feel more human once we can get cleaned up. I may be resorting to heating water in the kettle and putting it in the sink for the boys.

If I do there will pictures to come.....

On a good note, we do have a table and a couch. Plus our wonderful friend Sue bought the boys each their own little soft chair. They love them and wish I would have had my camera ready when they showed up. We were all happy and surprised by the gift. Thank you, Sue!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


The boys in their new bunk. Eating dinner.Like our table?

Watching a movie on the computer. This was the only chair we had for 3 days :)
The entertainment center came with the house. It has a ton of storage, but no handles, so we pry it open with silverware. Naughton-2-it!!!

So, still no heat....should be hooked up on Monday, but I'm not counting on it. It's been around 50-55 in the house. Not that cold for "winter" weather, but we are used to the IA/CO summer. I'm sure we get acclimated soon!

Our fridge arrives on Monday as well. I can't wait to be able to actually cook. We've been eating out and having pb & j to tide us over. Our friend Sue came over yesterday and brought us 3 more chairs, 2 space heaters and a cooler filled with ice. The boys loved her and roped her into reading them books. I think they like to hear her talk, all their stories sound a bit different when read in australian. :)

Tonight was the first night the boys are sleeping in their new bunk bed. I think they were both so tired from not napping all day that it went pretty smoothly. Oscar looks so little in his bottom bunk. :) I checked on them in the middle of the night and he was standing at the edge of his bed with his head on the mattress. Sleep standing, poor guy couldn't get back into bed.

I did a bunch of laundry yesterday and lucked out with the weather. Sunny all day, so my clothes on the line were dry by the afternoon. I don't know if a dryer is in the budget, so I hope I'm this lucky every time :)

Luke really did a great job finding this place and picking it. We are so close to the "square", which is like a small mall. It's got 2 grocery stores, a Kmart, a bakery, just to name a few. We also have access to some great food. The indian we had last night was wonderful(and cheap) and the pizza place on the corner was good the night before. They were so nice to us and our jet lagged boys. Oscar was throwing a fit and they brought out markers and paper to try to distract him. At the end of the meal the brought the boys ice cream and Luke a coffee on the house. I'm sure we will find more treasures as we do more exploring.

I am very self-conscience about my 'accent' before I speak. I know I sound different and really don't stand out until I talk. I notice people turning their heads when I'm talking to to the boys. I'm sure I'll get over it, but just never expected to be afraid to speak.

Miss you all and I hope to be able to Skype soon!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Need gas.....

So, I ran out of the house today to open a bank account and use a little free wi-fi from McD's. I'm going to smell like hamburgers when I get home.

We have now been in the house for 2 days. Thursday am, our mattresses were arriving from IKEA, so we got to the house by 8 am. They arrived shortly after from. I spent most of the day cleaning out the rooms, while Luke ran around getting a refrigerator lined up.

The electricity came on mid-am but by 4:30, no heat. Luke made a phone call and they said that they would get it on in the next 24 hrs. Luke headed out again to buy a few space heaters to get us through the night. I'm glad I insisted! It was chilly!!!!

Today, we went to IKEA (the second time this week, I might be addicted) and picked up a few more household items and then home for a nap.

The boys are still out of it. Up at 1-2am and then back to bed an hour or so later to only sleep til 5 or so. I may have to drug them to get them on schedule. We found the Rescue Sleep in the mall by our house.

We are slowly getting settled and unpacked. The kitchen has a TON of storage, but most of it is over my head, so I'm going to need to invest in a bigger step stool :)

I think we need to have a fun family day to let the boys run and have fun. I've been relying on the DVD player to keep them out of my hair while I've been unpacking. The weather is so unpredictable. It will be sunny one min. and then next thing you know it's pouring. Makes it hard to run to the park when by the time we get out the door it's raining.

Here's hoping the gas has been turned on by the time I get home!!!!!! We need GAS.......

A funny OZ saying: How you going?
Translation: How are you doing? Luke had warned me of this one, so I made sure to answer correctly, but Luke didn't know the first time and told the lady he was walking. :)


I promise to update soon. We are without internet and the only access is at McDonalds a block and a half away.
All is good and we are in the house. I hope to be "plugged in" soon!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Arriving in Melbourne Pictures

Loading our things into the maxi-taxi.
Luggage @ the house.
O loves the trams, calls them choo-choos.
Henry on the tram.
Our first rainy day in Melbrin(as Henry calls it).

More pictures

Summer fun with the hose.
Family photo before heading to the airport.
Our luggage. (I love the look on the agent's face)
My little travelers in Sydney airport.

1 more makes 11....

Here'a a few pix from July that I didn't get posted:
Eating breakfast on our dinning mat.
Carly in our bed. I miss her already.
One more family photo at the house in CO.

Oscar and Great Grandpa Van.
The boys eating breakfast at Great Grandpa's house.

The 11th bag arrived today, as promised.

We had an interesting day. Our game plan was to go until we couldn't go anymore. Oscar made it to 4:14 and the rest of us are still up at 5:30. Don't know how long that will last, but not so bad for our first day.

The first thing on our list was to get beds and refrigerator for the house. We reserved a flexi-car and headed to IKEA. Picked out 3 mattresses and were on our way. I will definitely be back there again. WOW, I'm in love.....

I'm not used to the whole driving on the left side of the road. I have had to stop myself from screaming at Luke for turning into the "wrong" lane. He's doing a great job, but has a 2 week advantage on me.

We headed to the house to be there for the suitcase to arrive. I'm so afraid of our house getting broken into while we are staying at the hotel. By the time the bag arrived it was 3 and no one was napping, yet. We decided to press our luck and head to an appliance store in the rain. It was not a successful trip, but glad we checked it out.

We took a tram home and 4 blocks from our stop, O fell asleep. Poor guy just sacked out and was snoring during our quick trip into the store. I'm sure he'll be up at 2 am, ready to eat.

I finally have my camera cord, so I'll add some photos. I promise not to attach so many in the future.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Well we made it! There were a few times that I thought to myself, 'what have we gotten ourselves into?'.
I'll share a little of what has gone on in the last 30+ hours.

Luggage list:
8 suitcases, all weighing 50 lbs, each.
2 bikes, in boxes
1 very large box with the bike trailer/stroller
5 carry-on pieces of luggage.

It took 2 large trollies to get in from the parking lot.

Check-in, in DSM:

* Showed up to the airport around 12:30 to drop our luggage off.

*As we were walking in to the airport, I noticed that O was leaking (on both sides). Major blow out that Aunt Klaire took care of while we checked in. Thank you, Aunt Klaire!

*Lucky for us there was no one in line, so we walked right up and got checked in. Also, the computer wasn't working, so we were only charged 200 total for both bikes. We were expecting to pay 200 each.

*Only one of the 11 suitcases was overweight and it was only by a pound. Just had to remove a piece of clothing and we were good to go.

*Lunch with family, mexican.

*Once we got to our gate, I got a call from Klaire and Luke had left his sunglasses in her car. She came back and Luke went to meet her, all 20 min before our departure time. Thank you, Klaire!

*Oscar was super tired and was falling apart. I couldn't get him calmed down the whole flight. The man who sat in front of us thought I should know that he flies a lot and, thanks to Oscar, we were now in his Top Ten.


*Oscar had a mini blow out walking off the plane. Changed him super quick to save his pants.

*This was, by far, the worst flight I have ever had with kids. Oscar was screaming the second we walked on the plane. And continued to do so until the seatbelt sign was turned off and I could stand and rock him at the back of the plane.

SFO-SYD: (small layover in SFO, ate dinner, let the kids run wild)

*LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Rescue Sleep. Yes, I drugged my child (twice on our 15 hr fight)and don't regret it one bit. Doesn't taste very good, but worked within 5 min and he slept for several hours.

*DVD players ran out of battery and I thought we were all going to loose it. Used the laptop as a quick fix.

Sydney Airport

*Our 3 boxes were waiting for us as we walked up to baggage claim. A nice surprise!

*7 of the 11 suitcases were in a row on the carousel. I would get one set down and have to run to catch the next one, all while keeping watch on the boys.

*Only one lost bag, it got left in SF. Bad thing was that it was our last bag packed so all our day to day things were in it. It is promised to be here Wednesday.

*It took 3 trollies(luggage carts) and me pulling Oscar in his car seat with the GoGoBabyz and the nice guy from the lost baggage department to get us out into fresh air. Thank you Tristan!

*Took a maxi-taxi to the leasing agent to sign lease and pick up house key.

*Stopped at house to check it out/drop all our stuff off. It was so nice that our friends here have helped get us settled. There was a TV and a chair waiting Henry, along with a whole room full of household items. Thank you again; Sue, Josie, and Kort!
The house has interesting details. I'll have to send pictures. I think it will do just fine!

*The boys were hungry, tired and fighting with each other, so we headed to McDonald's to get food and free wifi. Luke booked a hotel room while we ate. Since we have no beds or fridge, we will be in a hotel for 2 nights.

*We ended our day with a nice tram ride downtown. Both boys fell asleep.

I'm trying not to go to sleep, it's almost 6pm. Oscar has been out since the tram (3 hrs. ago) and Henry just cashed out after getting his TV fix.

Can't believe we are here. I'm looking forward to getting settled and meeting neighbors. I saw two moms walk by with their kiddos as we were bringing luggage in. A good sign.

My favorite memory of the day: The boys insisted on pulling their rolling backpacks on and off the airplane and in the airport. Too cute!

pictures to come soon.....

Saturday, July 31, 2010

No Vacancy

We got a renter for the house today!!!!
The only thing left to do is to sell the van.......

Thursday, July 29, 2010

On the Move

We've been back in IA for a week now and it seems like a month. Go, go, go.....
Here's what we've been up to:
Drove to St. Louis and back to visit Grandpa Van(2 day trip)
Drove to Dubuque and back to drop Luke off for his 4 days of Ragbrai(1 day)
Drove to Kansas City and back to visit Uncle Nick and the Gaffneys(3 day trip)
Drove to Charles City to pick up Luke(1 day)

Good thing we haven't sold the van!!!

I haven't actually 'packed'. I've got things sorted and ready, but nothing is in a suitcase yet! Tomorrow is the day. My goal is to have everything packed and ready to go so that we aren't spending our last few days with family, packing. It's a bit overwhelming and I think we may end up paying for taking extra bags. Don't know if it's better to go over the weight limit or just bring extra bags. Need to do some research.....

We will be quite the sight at the airport.

Any guesses on how many pieces of luggage we will be flying with?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rough Start

We had a rough start to yesterday. We got everything all packed up and were ready to hit the road at 7:45 and then Luke noticed the screw in the tire. We decided that we didn't want to risk a blowout on the interstate, so he dropped us off at McD's and he went to get it fixed.

2 hours and 2 new tires later we were on the road. 10 am is the latest we have EVER left to drive back to IA.

Our first pit stop, Oscar had a blow out AFTER I had already changed his diaper and Henry decided to help himself to the snack bag while we were elbows deep in poo.

The quote of the day was, "I just got hit in the back of the head with Pina Colada, what's going on back there!" It's a long story, but I laughed until I cried.

Today will be spent unpacking the van and trailer and hopefuly getting a little bit organized. Aunt Klaire is coming over to watch the boys, so let's hope it's a productive day!

There were many tears driving away from the house and Denver. I know we'll be back, just don't know when.....

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Leaving Colorado

Luke returned from Melbourne on Wednesday. It was successful trip, with him finding a house the day before he left. I think it's going to be a perfect location for us. We are blocks from the zoo, Royal Park, grocery store and many other shops that I can't wait to explore.

We will be officially leaving Colorado on Tuesday. I don't think it's hit me yet that we won't be back for awhile. I'm really going to miss my life here in CO. We have such a great group of friends and neighbors that I'm going to miss. So many caring and giving people in my life here that I wish I could take them all with me! (starting to tear up now....)

There is a lot we still have to do before we go. Luke and I are going room to room sorting into two piles, keep and sell. Thank goodness there is a huge neighborhood yard sale going on tomorrow that we'll be able to unload a lot of random things.

The last two weeks Aunt Klaire was here to help while Luke was away. I am was so grateful to have her help. The boys love A.K. and she loves (to spoil) them. :) I know we'll be seeing a lot of her on skype/ichat while we're away.

The next 2 weeks are going to fly by. We have so much planned that August 1 will be here before we know it. I'm excited to get there and get settled, but don't think it will seem real until we are on the plane.

Here's to trying to stay grounded and present in these upcoming days before we depart for this exciting adventure!

Friday, July 9, 2010

In 24 days....

In 24 days we will be flying to Australia. Luke will be attending MBS for his MBA for the next 2 years. We are super excited about our new adventure but there is a TON of stuff to be done before we head out.

At this point, we've sold almost everything. There are a few large pieces and the van that need to be sold. Oscar is the only one with his bed still intact. Henry has been on an air mattress for the last month and our mattress has been on the floor for the last 3 weeks.

My cupboards are bare and I'm in the process of selling most of my scrapbooking supplies. Our plans is to only take suitcases and bikes with us, so we will be leaving lots behind in the States. Knowing that we will return for our things someday, it still is quite shocking to have all your possessions in 8 suitcases.

Luke is half way through his 2 week house hunting trip in Melbourne. He has been going to inspections everyday and applying to the ones he thinks we can all live with. We have nothing rented yet, but I have faith. Speaking of renting, our house is still not rented yet. Something that worries me a bit. We'll be out in the next 2 weeks and then we'll be paying rent in Oz. I hoping the perfect renters are just around the corner!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Visit to Dino Ridge

We had family outing day on Saturday. Our destination, Dinosaur Ridge.

It was really neat. We were able to actually touch dino bones that were embedded into the sandstone, see dino track implants and dino tracks.

H had a blast. He listened to the tour guide and then would chime in with his own knowledge. Such a little expert on dino's!

On the way home the boys enjoyed a little popcorn and a movie. This is the first time that I've used their new headphones in the car. How cute!!!!


O is now paci-free. It's been 2.5 days and he's doing awesome. The first night was bad. Within the span of 2 hours, he cried for 1.5 of that. It was hard to listen to, but we knew that we had to stay strong in order of breaking him of the habit. I'm so glad we did stay strong, because since that first night, he's been only fussing a little at the beginning of nap and hardly at all at bedtime.

I made the decision once I saw the how chewed up they were. We were still using the 4 that we came home with from the hospital, which is amazing in it's self that we hadn't lost any. O has been chewing on them more than sucking and he was shredding them, big time. So time to lose them!

Way to go bonk-o!

Friday, March 5, 2010


It's a sign. Luke tuned his LBS application in yesterday. We went to dinner and on
our way out of the restaurant, Luke spotting some change on the ground. He and H stopped to pick it up. A penny, dime and a 20p. It's got to be a sign, right?

NW's application is due today and then the GMAT(2) is on the 13th. After that, 4 more applications are due. It will be nice to have them all done and turned in, but that's when the w
aiting game starts.

Here's to hoping mid-May comes fast!!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Face Coloring

When I picked H up from school today his teacher told me that he had to have a time out because he tried to color on someone's face. This is the conversation we had in the car:

Me: Henry, what happened at school today?

H: Nothing

Me: Did you have a time out?

H: No

Me: Are you sure, Miss Lindsay said you did because you tried to color on someone's face.

H: Oh yeah, I tried to color on Sasha's face. It didn't work.

Me: We shouldn't color on other people (trying not to laugh and not doing a very good job of it)

H: Ok, but it didn't work!

Here's hoping that we don't try this again since it didn't work!

H has been into coloring and painting a lot lately. Crayola has this new paint that is clear gel and turns into color once it comes into contact with their special paper, just like the markers. It's the best to keep down on the mess, but expensive to buy their paper, but worth it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

1:29 am

I'm still awake. Can't sleep and haven't been able to get a good nights rest in awhile. Still feel nausea for most of the day and can't figure out why. Dr. says to take pepcid for a week and call her back. We'll see if that makes a difference.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dancing and Jumping

O has figured out how to jump.

He'll jump on just about anything. Laps, couches, beds, chairs and stairs. Here's a video of him going at it. What a silly monkey!

Notice the knot on his head.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Step One

I say step one because that is where we are at. Luke was laid off from his job in November. He had been with the company for 11 years, the only company he had worked for since graduating from college. So now as a family we are headed in a new direction. Luke has decided to go back to school for his MBA. He is in the process of applying to his top 6 schools and studying for the GMAT (for the second time). This in it's self is a full time job and he's in a time crunch. Applications are due in three weeks. I am actually looking forward to the applications being done in hopes of knowing where we will be headed in the fall.

Luke and I have always loved to travel and explore new places. We have now been in CO for 5.5 years, the longest we have stayed anywhere since we have been together (13 yrs). So I think we are both beginning to itch.

There are so many paths we could end up on and the hardest part is not knowing which one we will end up on until May. In the mean time, neither one of us is working. I have applied for a few jobs but haven't followed up since Luke is so busy with studying and writing essays. I'm sure that will change once March hits.

It's hard not stressing about money. Money that is not coming in. Luke has applied for unemployment, but was a mess. It's no wonder there are so many homeless people that haven't applied for unemployment. It's the most difficult process even having access to the internet and phone. Luke has spent hours on hold trying to talk with someone and still not getting all questions answered.

On top of all of this, there are the boys. Life goes on and they help us remember it daily. I know that H has picked up on that daddy doesn't go to work. He's even asked Luke about it. He's just so smart and always amazing us on his observations and statements. O is 1.5 and is constantly running into something or falling down. He tries so hard to keep up with big brother and ends up getting hurt in the process. He's not talking much, but knows what we are saying. For example, if I ask him to go get his shoes, he goes and gets them. I remember this stage with H and it is truly amazing. I just can't wait to hear him talk. Mostly because of his frustration right now. I am hoping the fits ease up, wishful thinking.

I am hoping to document this new phase of life with this blog. I don't love to write, so keeping up will be a challenge. Speaking of challenges, Luke and I have signed up to do our first triathlon. We have a training program that will lead us up to the race. It is 11 weeks, about a month away from starting. I've been trying to get back into shape from the 1/2 marathon in Oct. I'm not too worried about the run or bike, but the swim is another story. I used to swim, but haven't done it in years, since Florida. It's great exercise, but so draining. I'm excited to get started, but worried about keeping up with the training schedule, especially if I start working soon.

Progress on life will be posted soon.......
