Monday, August 9, 2010


Still no gas and no fridge. My hopeful thinking did not win today :( (change: fridge showed up at 7:30!!!! Can't wait to fill it up.)

I can do w/o the heat, we have 4 space heaters, but no hot water is sad. We are all going on almost a week without a bath or shower. I think we'll all feel more human once we can get cleaned up. I may be resorting to heating water in the kettle and putting it in the sink for the boys.

If I do there will pictures to come.....

On a good note, we do have a table and a couch. Plus our wonderful friend Sue bought the boys each their own little soft chair. They love them and wish I would have had my camera ready when they showed up. We were all happy and surprised by the gift. Thank you, Sue!

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