Wednesday, August 4, 2010

1 more makes 11....

Here'a a few pix from July that I didn't get posted:
Eating breakfast on our dinning mat.
Carly in our bed. I miss her already.
One more family photo at the house in CO.

Oscar and Great Grandpa Van.
The boys eating breakfast at Great Grandpa's house.

The 11th bag arrived today, as promised.

We had an interesting day. Our game plan was to go until we couldn't go anymore. Oscar made it to 4:14 and the rest of us are still up at 5:30. Don't know how long that will last, but not so bad for our first day.

The first thing on our list was to get beds and refrigerator for the house. We reserved a flexi-car and headed to IKEA. Picked out 3 mattresses and were on our way. I will definitely be back there again. WOW, I'm in love.....

I'm not used to the whole driving on the left side of the road. I have had to stop myself from screaming at Luke for turning into the "wrong" lane. He's doing a great job, but has a 2 week advantage on me.

We headed to the house to be there for the suitcase to arrive. I'm so afraid of our house getting broken into while we are staying at the hotel. By the time the bag arrived it was 3 and no one was napping, yet. We decided to press our luck and head to an appliance store in the rain. It was not a successful trip, but glad we checked it out.

We took a tram home and 4 blocks from our stop, O fell asleep. Poor guy just sacked out and was snoring during our quick trip into the store. I'm sure he'll be up at 2 am, ready to eat.

I finally have my camera cord, so I'll add some photos. I promise not to attach so many in the future.

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