Friday, July 9, 2010

In 24 days....

In 24 days we will be flying to Australia. Luke will be attending MBS for his MBA for the next 2 years. We are super excited about our new adventure but there is a TON of stuff to be done before we head out.

At this point, we've sold almost everything. There are a few large pieces and the van that need to be sold. Oscar is the only one with his bed still intact. Henry has been on an air mattress for the last month and our mattress has been on the floor for the last 3 weeks.

My cupboards are bare and I'm in the process of selling most of my scrapbooking supplies. Our plans is to only take suitcases and bikes with us, so we will be leaving lots behind in the States. Knowing that we will return for our things someday, it still is quite shocking to have all your possessions in 8 suitcases.

Luke is half way through his 2 week house hunting trip in Melbourne. He has been going to inspections everyday and applying to the ones he thinks we can all live with. We have nothing rented yet, but I have faith. Speaking of renting, our house is still not rented yet. Something that worries me a bit. We'll be out in the next 2 weeks and then we'll be paying rent in Oz. I hoping the perfect renters are just around the corner!

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