Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Outings

We are almost at the end of Luke's first week of school. I was dreading this week, but we've actually been so busy that's it's flown by.
On Tuesday, I biked to the Collingwood Children's Farm. I had no idea where I was going and had to stop to ask directions several times. I got a bit lost, but we found our way. It was only about 4.5 miles, good exercise for me:).
The farm was really cute. We arrived just in time to milk Patsy the cow. Henry did great and Oscar got scared. We held guinea pigs, chased chickens, gazed at goats, baaaa-ed at the sheep and walked with the lambs. They were so cute and not very old. They still had their wobbly legs, too cute.
After our picnic lunch we headed home. My plan was to try and stay on the bike trail all the way home and not get lost. I did both, but it look me a lot longer and it was VERY hilly. So hilly that I had to get off my bike and push us up the hills. These hills were big and steep and pulling the boys is heavy. 40 lbs(H) + 30 lbs(O) + 33 lbs (trailer)=way too heavy to ride up those hills.
I think I did this about 6 times, so by the time I got home I was pooped. At one point, I had to cross under the train tracks at a train station. The path was clearly marked with a "NO BIKES" sign, and had barricades that I had to maneuver around, but I did it anyway. Some nice man helped me up the exit ramp and then made sure I knew where I was going.
There were several times on this adventure I almost turned around, but I kept going and we survived. I'm glad we went and I'm sure we'll be back again......... hills here I come!
Today and tomorrow are filled up as well. Today we go to the library for Spot's birthday party and then a tour of a local school for Henry. Tomorrow we meet up with a mom's group at the Melbourne Museum and then I am babysitting some local kids while their mom is out.

1 comment:

  1. I brought a magnet with me with a "quote" on it. It says "Do one thing everyday that scares you." Um biking uphill, across a train track pulling 100+ pounds behind you definitely qualifies as "scary!" You go girl. You are going to have power legs when you get back :)

