Friday, September 17, 2010

A cart is a cart, right?

I have a complaint.

The grocery carts here do not have "fixed" wheels. All four of them turn every which way, which makes driving them a bit hard. Especially when I'm balancing my bike with a full trailer and walking down hill to the cart return.

Most of the grocery carts here require you to put in a $1 or $2 coin in them to use them. You get the coin back when you return the cart. It's really a great idea. You hardly ever see random carts sitting in the parking lot or parking spaces. Everyone wants their $1/2 back. But I have yet to figure out the best way to return my cart. I might have to leave the boys and groceries locked up while I go and return the cart. At that point, the boys are usually screaming over something, so that would be a great deterrent to taking them......

I've added two more pictures to the Aug/Sept album. One is of the boys swimming at an indoor pool. We had a great time and I'm sure we'll be swimming a lot more as the weather here warms up.

The other photo is a good idea of what I'm pushing or pulling around on a daily basis. I broke down and bought a cheap double umbrella stroller. I just can't take the bike trailer on the trams, so this was the next best option. I have a gallon of milk, 10 library books, my bag packed with everyday outing things, a computer printer and the boys. A great arm workout!

You should still see us getting on and off the trams. It's quite a production. Folding down the stroller while making sure no one is running out into the street and then getting all of us with the stroller on and off the tram is alway a tricky situation. So far, I've had some very helpful people help us. The boys know what to do, but Oscar is showing his independence and like to to get on and off by himself. It's cute to see him trying to take the big steps by himself. I'll have to try and capture some pictures of our tram adventures, with Luke's help of course!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! I told J that I'm convinced I'd love it there!
    Way to go on the "making it work" picture with the stroller! Love it!

