Thursday, October 7, 2010

Henry quote

Just a funny quote from Henry tonight after dinner.

Henry: Do you know what retire means? It means to take out of service. I think we should retire Oscar.

(Luke and I laughing)

Me: Where did you learn this?

Henry: Thomas the Train

Thanks, Thomas ;)

He starts Kinder (3 yr. old preschool) tomorrow. He keeps talking about how scared he's going to be until he meets his friends. I'm so glad he's so optimistic. I look forward for him to meet new friends and for us to expand out play circle a bit more to include kiddos his age.

I'll add a cute Oscar moment as well.....
I was putting him to bed and usually I sing to him. Twinkle, Twinkle is my song of choice. I started singing to him tonight.
Oscar: No twinkle, twinkle mom. Shhhh.(with his finger over his mouth)

Me: (stopped singing)

Oscar: Kronk-o sing (kronk-o is one of his nicknames)
His song went something like this: chocolate milk, chocolate milk, soy chocolate milk......

I have no idea where this came from, but it was pretty darn cute.

1 comment:

  1. That's so cute! I miss you guys and love reading about your big adventure!

