Saturday, September 11, 2010


I realized that I haven't posted in over a week! My goal is to post once a week, now that we are starting to get into a schedule and routine. I'll do my best...

We've had several outings since Luke is off at school. It's better for us to stay busy and get out an about as much as possible. Just in the last week we've been to 2 mum's groups, 2 meet ups with with Linda (my new friend from the states), a girls night and a birthday dinner. Can't say I'm not keeping us busy.

One of the outing with Linda was driving to Chadstone, a very high end mall, that also had Target and Kmart attached. We have joined a car share program here. It's a great way to have access to a car without having to buy one ourselves. It was my first time driving and I didn't do too bad. My phone here has GPS and it worked great. I think the only hassle of using the car share program here is when I return the car, I have to lock out at my return time. It's hard to get the kids and car seats out in a hurry while still trying to keep an eye on the kids. I will have to give myself extra time at the end of my bookings, just to have time to get everyone and everything out! I already have the car booked for next week for another play date to take the boys swimming. I'll be driving farther this time and I won't have Linda with me to be my cheerleader.

I've actually had 2 girl's nights since we've been here. The first was dinner with Linda and the second was drinks with Angie. Both ladies are friends of friends back in Denver, what a small world! And I have more friend of a friend that I'm meeting next week. What are the chances?

Anyway, for drinks w/ Angie, I got to go out at night by myself, take the tram and find my way. It was so nice to get out and just relax and chat without having to referee the boys. I hope I have more girl's nights in the near future :)

I've met two mom's this week that I think we'll be seeing more of. One mom lives in my neighborhood. She has a 18 mo. old and she's crafty. All the things that I enjoy. I can't wait to have a meet up to see all her fun crafts and show me where all the hot spots for crafts are.

The other mom that I met this week is new to Mel as well. She moved here from the UK with her boys in March. The boys are almost the same age as H & O. We met up at a playground and by the end of the playdate, they were good buddies. It was so nice to see H have a friend to play with.

I've attached new photos off to the right as a slideshow. Click on the pictures to enlarge them. Thanks Debra for the tutorial!

1 comment:

  1. I liked reading this blog post...just to hear, in your voice what "living" is like for you now is nice. I was thinking myself that I need to just blog about living. So glad you are making friends and having girls' night out. xo

