Sunday, September 12, 2010

Albert Park Adventure

Yesterday we decided to take advantage of the sunny day and biked to Albert Park. It was a good 5 miles away (8 km, I need to start converting). Our bike route took us right downtown. The bike lanes vary from shared pathway on the sidewalk, on the road in a bike lane, just in the road and copenhagen style. Copenhagen is my favorite. The set up is great: sidewalk, curb, bike lane, small median, parking lane, driving lanes. You are protected on both side with curb and parked cars.

Biking downtown on a Saturday was fun. There where tons of people out shopping, lunching and exploring. I notice that I get a lot of looks here with my bike trailer. I've seen a few, but none as nice as ours. I also get a lot of comments on it as well. I've heard: what a production, wow, so mod, can I have a ride?, just to name a few.

I've been a bit afraid of heading downtown with the boys in tow, but we really didn't have any problems..... until my flat tire. This is my second one since we've been here. I had brought a spare tube but used that one on the first flat. I replace my spare and had it with me but while I was in the middle of changing it, I noticed that it was waaaaaay too long for my tire. Since this being the first flat I'd changed by myself, I asked Luke if it was normal for the tube to be hanging out by 6 inches from the tire. Of course, no it was not, and so we were stuck. Luke headed off to find a bike shop while I played with the boys at the park.

Luke came back without a tube but a funny story. One of the bike shops he stopped at took one look at my tire and tube and asked if it was for a wheelchair! They had never heard of the size of tube that my bike takes and the second store he stopped hadn't heard of it either.

Gigi(my bike) is small, but not THAT small. Luckily, Luke remembered that he had a patch kit in his bike bag. I'm glad to say that his handy work held all the way home and was still holding Sunday afternoon. I think I have a few tubes on the way, but if you happen to see a 650x23c at your local bike shop, make a note and let me know!
I'm not sure what I'll do without my wheels. I bike everyday, everywhere. It's really the only way I can get around with the boys without having to book a car. Fingers crossed that my patch will hold!

Albert park was lovely. I really wish we would have been able to see more. Playgrounds, jogging paths, cafes, lake with people sailing around the island. I'm sure we'll make it back and be able to explore the park some more.

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