Friday, August 6, 2010

Need gas.....

So, I ran out of the house today to open a bank account and use a little free wi-fi from McD's. I'm going to smell like hamburgers when I get home.

We have now been in the house for 2 days. Thursday am, our mattresses were arriving from IKEA, so we got to the house by 8 am. They arrived shortly after from. I spent most of the day cleaning out the rooms, while Luke ran around getting a refrigerator lined up.

The electricity came on mid-am but by 4:30, no heat. Luke made a phone call and they said that they would get it on in the next 24 hrs. Luke headed out again to buy a few space heaters to get us through the night. I'm glad I insisted! It was chilly!!!!

Today, we went to IKEA (the second time this week, I might be addicted) and picked up a few more household items and then home for a nap.

The boys are still out of it. Up at 1-2am and then back to bed an hour or so later to only sleep til 5 or so. I may have to drug them to get them on schedule. We found the Rescue Sleep in the mall by our house.

We are slowly getting settled and unpacked. The kitchen has a TON of storage, but most of it is over my head, so I'm going to need to invest in a bigger step stool :)

I think we need to have a fun family day to let the boys run and have fun. I've been relying on the DVD player to keep them out of my hair while I've been unpacking. The weather is so unpredictable. It will be sunny one min. and then next thing you know it's pouring. Makes it hard to run to the park when by the time we get out the door it's raining.

Here's hoping the gas has been turned on by the time I get home!!!!!! We need GAS.......

A funny OZ saying: How you going?
Translation: How are you doing? Luke had warned me of this one, so I made sure to answer correctly, but Luke didn't know the first time and told the lady he was walking. :)


  1. glad you are getting settled! Weather sounds a bit bipolar like CO?! xo

  2. watchout for the Ikea voodoo.

