Saturday, August 21, 2010

Old Lady

Today was Oscar's birthday. We had a very full day. Headed off to the Melbourne Zoo in the morning. We live very close(closer than we were in Denver) and so it was a nice sunny walk through the Royal Park. They both were very excited to be there. Henry was running from animal to animal and Oscar would say, "WOW!", at everything. We saw 3/4 of the zoo and then we headed home. On the walk home, both boys fell asleep, so Luke and I decided to do our grocery shopping for tomorrow's party.

There were a few things that we couldn't find, one of them being canned black beans. Simple, right? None to be found in two different stores. Luke knew of a mexican grocer so when we got home we looked them up online. According to their site, the store had closed an hour earlier. We called anyway just to see and they said they were closed. Luke hung up and then we called back to see if they knew of anywhere else to buy black beans. The lady asked what we wanted and said come on down, just have exact change. So out the door we went to get our beans. We really lucked out! The lady was there with our stuff in a bag waiting for us(2 cans of black beans and big can of chipotle chilies in adobo sauce). So nice of her. I can't wait to go back and actually look around.

For dinner we went to the pub on the corner of our street. It was early enough that it wasn't crowded or too loud. Dinner was nice and then we headed down the street to a gelato shop. Henry has developed a taste for chocolate(wonder where that comes from?) He had all over his face by the time he was done.

All in all a good day. Luke and I have been doing a little prep work this evening to prepare for our mexican feast tomorrow. Should be fun and nice to entertain the people who have helped us out so much since we have been here.

A side story from today. Here's how it went:
Henry: Mom, look, zebras!
Me: Yes, zebras.
A random little boy about Henry's age: No, they're ZEDbras, you old lady! (they say zed for z)

It still makes me laugh. His mom didn't quite hear what he said so I told her as I was laughing. I think she was embarrassed and then explained to her son how we both were right. Just love that he called me an old lady, too funny.

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