Thursday, November 18, 2010


Happy Spring! The weather is slowing warming up. Seems a lot like CO or IA weather. Warm one day and cool the next. We've had a few hot days, up to 80 and the next day 60 and rainy.

Time is flying by here in Oz. Luke now only has 3 weeks of school left and then is off for 1.5 months for holiday break. Henry only has 3 more days of preschool as well.

We continue to keep busy with play dates and outings with our friends. Luke has played in a tennis tournament and plays soccer every Friday afternoon. And I just started playing softball on a co-ed league.

Henry continues to expand his interests and surprise us with his own unique observations of day to day life. Oscar is talking up a storm and doing a good job of keeping up with his brother.

At the moment, we are gearing up for Luke's birthday party. The keg is getting delivered in a few hours. I've made cupcakes(with Linda's help), cut up a ton of carrots, made a boat load of pizza dough, cooked the wieners and chicken. This is the biggest birthday party we've ever thrown. Here's hoping all goes well!

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