Friday, August 20, 2010

My little parrot

Oscar has started talking a lot more since we have been here. He's like a little parrot and will repeat the last word of whatever you are saying. Kind of cute.

He also has a nick name for Henry, its bum-bum. I'm not sure where this comes from, but it's pretty funny. I hear, "that's bum-bum's" or "no, bum-bum".

Another one of his favorite words right now is Carlo. Carlo is our landlord and he's been over a few time to fix things. Oscar always says it in a sweet high-pitched voice. And when we are out and he sees a ladder or tools he says, "that's Carlo's".

With him talking it's been much easier to figure out what he wants. I am hoping the fits will now die down, but he turns 2 tomorrow. We'll see..........

1 comment:

  1. Fun! Is he picking up an Australian accent w/ his new vocabulary?! ;) Happy Birthday to your adorable, sweet Oscar!!! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you!

