Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rough Start

We had a rough start to yesterday. We got everything all packed up and were ready to hit the road at 7:45 and then Luke noticed the screw in the tire. We decided that we didn't want to risk a blowout on the interstate, so he dropped us off at McD's and he went to get it fixed.

2 hours and 2 new tires later we were on the road. 10 am is the latest we have EVER left to drive back to IA.

Our first pit stop, Oscar had a blow out AFTER I had already changed his diaper and Henry decided to help himself to the snack bag while we were elbows deep in poo.

The quote of the day was, "I just got hit in the back of the head with Pina Colada, what's going on back there!" It's a long story, but I laughed until I cried.

Today will be spent unpacking the van and trailer and hopefuly getting a little bit organized. Aunt Klaire is coming over to watch the boys, so let's hope it's a productive day!

There were many tears driving away from the house and Denver. I know we'll be back, just don't know when.....

1 comment:

  1. YIKES! So glad you did indeed notice the screw and didn't have a blowout. Have yourself a pina colada and enjoy your visit to Iowa!! xo

