Tuesday, March 9, 2010


O is now paci-free. It's been 2.5 days and he's doing awesome. The first night was bad. Within the span of 2 hours, he cried for 1.5 of that. It was hard to listen to, but we knew that we had to stay strong in order of breaking him of the habit. I'm so glad we did stay strong, because since that first night, he's been only fussing a little at the beginning of nap and hardly at all at bedtime.

I made the decision once I saw the how chewed up they were. We were still using the 4 that we came home with from the hospital, which is amazing in it's self that we hadn't lost any. O has been chewing on them more than sucking and he was shredding them, big time. So time to lose them!

Way to go bonk-o!

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