Sunday, August 8, 2010


The boys in their new bunk. Eating dinner.Like our table?

Watching a movie on the computer. This was the only chair we had for 3 days :)
The entertainment center came with the house. It has a ton of storage, but no handles, so we pry it open with silverware. Naughton-2-it!!!

So, still no heat....should be hooked up on Monday, but I'm not counting on it. It's been around 50-55 in the house. Not that cold for "winter" weather, but we are used to the IA/CO summer. I'm sure we get acclimated soon!

Our fridge arrives on Monday as well. I can't wait to be able to actually cook. We've been eating out and having pb & j to tide us over. Our friend Sue came over yesterday and brought us 3 more chairs, 2 space heaters and a cooler filled with ice. The boys loved her and roped her into reading them books. I think they like to hear her talk, all their stories sound a bit different when read in australian. :)

Tonight was the first night the boys are sleeping in their new bunk bed. I think they were both so tired from not napping all day that it went pretty smoothly. Oscar looks so little in his bottom bunk. :) I checked on them in the middle of the night and he was standing at the edge of his bed with his head on the mattress. Sleep standing, poor guy couldn't get back into bed.

I did a bunch of laundry yesterday and lucked out with the weather. Sunny all day, so my clothes on the line were dry by the afternoon. I don't know if a dryer is in the budget, so I hope I'm this lucky every time :)

Luke really did a great job finding this place and picking it. We are so close to the "square", which is like a small mall. It's got 2 grocery stores, a Kmart, a bakery, just to name a few. We also have access to some great food. The indian we had last night was wonderful(and cheap) and the pizza place on the corner was good the night before. They were so nice to us and our jet lagged boys. Oscar was throwing a fit and they brought out markers and paper to try to distract him. At the end of the meal the brought the boys ice cream and Luke a coffee on the house. I'm sure we will find more treasures as we do more exploring.

I am very self-conscience about my 'accent' before I speak. I know I sound different and really don't stand out until I talk. I notice people turning their heads when I'm talking to to the boys. I'm sure I'll get over it, but just never expected to be afraid to speak.

Miss you all and I hope to be able to Skype soon!

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