Sunday, October 3, 2010


Can't believe it's only been two months since we arrived in Oz. Seems like ages ago that we arrived with all our luggage.

I really feel like we are getting settled now. I've made several new friends and see them weekly, if not more. I really think that has made the difference for the kids and I. Even though it's hard sometimes to get out the door and go meet someone new or bike down a new road, it always ends up being good and I'm happy I forced us on that new adventure.

Luke continues to have loads of homework as well as study group meetings, tutorials (on Saturday and Sunday), clubs and social activities. I know it's hard for him juggling all these things, but he makes it look so effortless. These are stressful times, but I know in the long run we'll be grateful for the experience and opportunity coming to Oz will give us.

I can't say that I don't miss our friends and neighborhood back at home. It's just different here, not bad, just different and I think we have been accepting it well. We don't have that same neighborhood dynamic here, but we are making due and adjusting to city life. It makes me appreciate the old hood and what we had there even more. It is truly a great place to live and raise kids. Henry still asks to go back to his orange house and to go back to his old school. We tell him it's just not time to go yet and that we'll be back there before he knows it.

Henry will start 3 year old kinder on Friday afternoons. We have been talking about it and today he said that he'll be scared to go on the first day, but after he meets his friends, he won't be scared at all. I'm looking forward for him to make some new friends and get to play with some kids his own age. We've really only met one other little boy that is his age and we've only been able to meet up twice, so he is VERY ready for kinder and all the fun they have planned for him.

1 comment:

  1. I like the pics from the wine tasting. Looks like fun! Henry will do great with Kinder!! Let us know how it goes ;)

