Thursday, September 30, 2010

Keeping Busy

Keeping busy is a good thing for us!

Last week I hosted dinner for the "Other Half" group from MBS. The students had a planned function at school so it was a good opportunity for the rest of us to get together.

I had 7 ladies from all over the world for dinner. Israel, Korea, Singapore, Bangladesh, Finland(had been living in Germany), Poland(had been living in Ireland) and the US. We all brought something to eat and of course there was plenty of wine to be had. Great conversation and laughs were had by all.

The boys were a big hit. Oscar had them all after he said, "hello, ladies" in his soft little voice.

I am by the far the oldest and the only one with kids. There was discussion about how hard it must be to have kids while Luke is in this program. A couple of them said that they had discussed it and are impressed that Luke is doing it. I really don't know what's harder, coming here as a wife/girlfriend with or without kids. I sometimes think I have it easier. The boys keep me busy, motivate me to get out of the house, meet new people and explore new things. I know if I didn't have them, I wouldn't have met some of the friends that I have through mum's groups and play dates.

Thank you Henry and Oscar!

Ok, got to to the park! I've added more pictures to the Aug/September album.

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