Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In the Weeds.....

So with all the rain we have been having, the trees, flowers, grass and of course the weeds have been growing like crazy.

We got a notice from the rental agency saying that they have noticed that we have been neglecting our garden. I had actually been pulling weeds all morning before the notice was received. Anyway, the weeds were pulled, but the front parking still needed to be taken care of.

For the last week, Luke and I have been running outside looking to see where the sound of a distant lawn mower or weed wacker was coming from, hoping to borrow it for 5 minutes to cut the grass.

I finally broke down and spend $12 on a set of lawn tools. I got a hedge trimmer and pruning scissors.

Tonight, we cut the grass.

We also found the key to meeting your neighbors: do something stupid at the front of your house. At one point, there was a guy across the street just staring at us. He then came over to us and stood there and stared some more. Didn't say anything, just stood there watching Luke chop at the grass and me scooping it up. I finally asked if he lived in the neighborhood and his reply was, "No, but my friend lives across the street," and then he walked off.

Here's to hoping that we meet some new friends the next time we trim the lawn......

The final product!


  1. LOL! I can't believe you had to use hedge trimmers to cut your grass! Thank goodness I don't have a lawn to cut or I'd be using my scissors :)

  2. We we're thinking we were going to have to use scissors, but then it kept raining and the grass kept growing. ;)

  3. Get Luke to cut the grass in just his underwear - that will really get the neighbours talking :)

