Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Spring is here.

Today was the first day of spring and it was chilly and raining all day. I look forward to seeing our rose trees bloom. I call them trees because they have been trimmed to look like they have a trunk. We'll see what color they bloom.

The boys and I have been keeping busy while Luke is at school. This week we met up with a US friend of a friend. I think we hit it off right away and I look forward to our girls night tomorrow:)

I have a few more mom's meet up dates planned for next week and I'm hoping the weather holds out for us. I've been biking everywhere. One, it's faster and two, I could take the tram, but trying to carry Oscar and keep track of Henry scares me. I can just see us dropping something getting on or off, or H getting excited and hopping off the tram before it's time. I'm sure I'll get more comfortable over time. This is just the biggest city I've ever lived in(maybe Cairo was this big, but only had to worry about me and I always had someone with me).

I've started the process of getting Henry into the 4 year old Kinder program that starts in January. He just missing the cut off for going to primary by 2 weeks. Registration started back in March, so I'm way behind and I'm keeping my finger crossed! I think we BOTH need him to go to kinder asap!

I did babysit last week for two girls Henry's age and a little boy Oscar's age. The boys had a great time and I'm hoping to get my name out there as a stay-at-home mom/babysitter. Another option right now is that I become a Kinder school cook. The boys would be able to attend at half price while I'm there working and I'd get a (small) paycheck. I'd never thought I'd be a 'lunch lady', but it'd be great to get the boys in some sort of play group. I'll keep you posted as to whether or not I'll be wearing a hairnet in the near future!



  1. I love your updates and hearing about your new life! I hope you all are adjusting well.

  2. Opps, I was logged in as Dave!
    Miss you guys,

  3. you are transitioning to spring and I am rapidly transitioning to autumn. And yet it was the same kind of weather...cold and rainy! Yay for biking everywhere. I would be afraid of the same thing happening. And as dumb as this makes me sound...I'm afraid I'm going to walk IN FRONT OF A TRAM!!!

