Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Face Coloring

When I picked H up from school today his teacher told me that he had to have a time out because he tried to color on someone's face. This is the conversation we had in the car:

Me: Henry, what happened at school today?

H: Nothing

Me: Did you have a time out?

H: No

Me: Are you sure, Miss Lindsay said you did because you tried to color on someone's face.

H: Oh yeah, I tried to color on Sasha's face. It didn't work.

Me: We shouldn't color on other people (trying not to laugh and not doing a very good job of it)

H: Ok, but it didn't work!

Here's hoping that we don't try this again since it didn't work!

H has been into coloring and painting a lot lately. Crayola has this new paint that is clear gel and turns into color once it comes into contact with their special paper, just like the markers. It's the best to keep down on the mess, but expensive to buy their paper, but worth it.


  1. that's pretty awesome. here's what it will be like for him 25 years from now: "Hey, do you remember me?" "No." "I'm Sasha." "Oh." "Do you remember the time you tried to color on my face?" "Ohhhhh, hey look, I'm really sorry about that."

  2. The wedding I went to last week, a girl was there who told me a story about how I tripped her when she was walking up the steps in grade school and she hit her head !!???!! I know. terrible. of course I don't remember any of the things I did then.

