Saturday, July 31, 2010

No Vacancy

We got a renter for the house today!!!!
The only thing left to do is to sell the van.......

Thursday, July 29, 2010

On the Move

We've been back in IA for a week now and it seems like a month. Go, go, go.....
Here's what we've been up to:
Drove to St. Louis and back to visit Grandpa Van(2 day trip)
Drove to Dubuque and back to drop Luke off for his 4 days of Ragbrai(1 day)
Drove to Kansas City and back to visit Uncle Nick and the Gaffneys(3 day trip)
Drove to Charles City to pick up Luke(1 day)

Good thing we haven't sold the van!!!

I haven't actually 'packed'. I've got things sorted and ready, but nothing is in a suitcase yet! Tomorrow is the day. My goal is to have everything packed and ready to go so that we aren't spending our last few days with family, packing. It's a bit overwhelming and I think we may end up paying for taking extra bags. Don't know if it's better to go over the weight limit or just bring extra bags. Need to do some research.....

We will be quite the sight at the airport.

Any guesses on how many pieces of luggage we will be flying with?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rough Start

We had a rough start to yesterday. We got everything all packed up and were ready to hit the road at 7:45 and then Luke noticed the screw in the tire. We decided that we didn't want to risk a blowout on the interstate, so he dropped us off at McD's and he went to get it fixed.

2 hours and 2 new tires later we were on the road. 10 am is the latest we have EVER left to drive back to IA.

Our first pit stop, Oscar had a blow out AFTER I had already changed his diaper and Henry decided to help himself to the snack bag while we were elbows deep in poo.

The quote of the day was, "I just got hit in the back of the head with Pina Colada, what's going on back there!" It's a long story, but I laughed until I cried.

Today will be spent unpacking the van and trailer and hopefuly getting a little bit organized. Aunt Klaire is coming over to watch the boys, so let's hope it's a productive day!

There were many tears driving away from the house and Denver. I know we'll be back, just don't know when.....

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Leaving Colorado

Luke returned from Melbourne on Wednesday. It was successful trip, with him finding a house the day before he left. I think it's going to be a perfect location for us. We are blocks from the zoo, Royal Park, grocery store and many other shops that I can't wait to explore.

We will be officially leaving Colorado on Tuesday. I don't think it's hit me yet that we won't be back for awhile. I'm really going to miss my life here in CO. We have such a great group of friends and neighbors that I'm going to miss. So many caring and giving people in my life here that I wish I could take them all with me! (starting to tear up now....)

There is a lot we still have to do before we go. Luke and I are going room to room sorting into two piles, keep and sell. Thank goodness there is a huge neighborhood yard sale going on tomorrow that we'll be able to unload a lot of random things.

The last two weeks Aunt Klaire was here to help while Luke was away. I am was so grateful to have her help. The boys love A.K. and she loves (to spoil) them. :) I know we'll be seeing a lot of her on skype/ichat while we're away.

The next 2 weeks are going to fly by. We have so much planned that August 1 will be here before we know it. I'm excited to get there and get settled, but don't think it will seem real until we are on the plane.

Here's to trying to stay grounded and present in these upcoming days before we depart for this exciting adventure!

Friday, July 9, 2010

In 24 days....

In 24 days we will be flying to Australia. Luke will be attending MBS for his MBA for the next 2 years. We are super excited about our new adventure but there is a TON of stuff to be done before we head out.

At this point, we've sold almost everything. There are a few large pieces and the van that need to be sold. Oscar is the only one with his bed still intact. Henry has been on an air mattress for the last month and our mattress has been on the floor for the last 3 weeks.

My cupboards are bare and I'm in the process of selling most of my scrapbooking supplies. Our plans is to only take suitcases and bikes with us, so we will be leaving lots behind in the States. Knowing that we will return for our things someday, it still is quite shocking to have all your possessions in 8 suitcases.

Luke is half way through his 2 week house hunting trip in Melbourne. He has been going to inspections everyday and applying to the ones he thinks we can all live with. We have nothing rented yet, but I have faith. Speaking of renting, our house is still not rented yet. Something that worries me a bit. We'll be out in the next 2 weeks and then we'll be paying rent in Oz. I hoping the perfect renters are just around the corner!
