Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Visit to Dino Ridge

We had family outing day on Saturday. Our destination, Dinosaur Ridge.

It was really neat. We were able to actually touch dino bones that were embedded into the sandstone, see dino track implants and dino tracks.

H had a blast. He listened to the tour guide and then would chime in with his own knowledge. Such a little expert on dino's!

On the way home the boys enjoyed a little popcorn and a movie. This is the first time that I've used their new headphones in the car. How cute!!!!


O is now paci-free. It's been 2.5 days and he's doing awesome. The first night was bad. Within the span of 2 hours, he cried for 1.5 of that. It was hard to listen to, but we knew that we had to stay strong in order of breaking him of the habit. I'm so glad we did stay strong, because since that first night, he's been only fussing a little at the beginning of nap and hardly at all at bedtime.

I made the decision once I saw the how chewed up they were. We were still using the 4 that we came home with from the hospital, which is amazing in it's self that we hadn't lost any. O has been chewing on them more than sucking and he was shredding them, big time. So time to lose them!

Way to go bonk-o!

Friday, March 5, 2010


It's a sign. Luke tuned his LBS application in yesterday. We went to dinner and on
our way out of the restaurant, Luke spotting some change on the ground. He and H stopped to pick it up. A penny, dime and a 20p. It's got to be a sign, right?

NW's application is due today and then the GMAT(2) is on the 13th. After that, 4 more applications are due. It will be nice to have them all done and turned in, but that's when the w
aiting game starts.

Here's to hoping mid-May comes fast!!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Face Coloring

When I picked H up from school today his teacher told me that he had to have a time out because he tried to color on someone's face. This is the conversation we had in the car:

Me: Henry, what happened at school today?

H: Nothing

Me: Did you have a time out?

H: No

Me: Are you sure, Miss Lindsay said you did because you tried to color on someone's face.

H: Oh yeah, I tried to color on Sasha's face. It didn't work.

Me: We shouldn't color on other people (trying not to laugh and not doing a very good job of it)

H: Ok, but it didn't work!

Here's hoping that we don't try this again since it didn't work!

H has been into coloring and painting a lot lately. Crayola has this new paint that is clear gel and turns into color once it comes into contact with their special paper, just like the markers. It's the best to keep down on the mess, but expensive to buy their paper, but worth it.
