Wednesday, February 24, 2010

1:29 am

I'm still awake. Can't sleep and haven't been able to get a good nights rest in awhile. Still feel nausea for most of the day and can't figure out why. Dr. says to take pepcid for a week and call her back. We'll see if that makes a difference.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dancing and Jumping

O has figured out how to jump.

He'll jump on just about anything. Laps, couches, beds, chairs and stairs. Here's a video of him going at it. What a silly monkey!

Notice the knot on his head.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Step One

I say step one because that is where we are at. Luke was laid off from his job in November. He had been with the company for 11 years, the only company he had worked for since graduating from college. So now as a family we are headed in a new direction. Luke has decided to go back to school for his MBA. He is in the process of applying to his top 6 schools and studying for the GMAT (for the second time). This in it's self is a full time job and he's in a time crunch. Applications are due in three weeks. I am actually looking forward to the applications being done in hopes of knowing where we will be headed in the fall.

Luke and I have always loved to travel and explore new places. We have now been in CO for 5.5 years, the longest we have stayed anywhere since we have been together (13 yrs). So I think we are both beginning to itch.

There are so many paths we could end up on and the hardest part is not knowing which one we will end up on until May. In the mean time, neither one of us is working. I have applied for a few jobs but haven't followed up since Luke is so busy with studying and writing essays. I'm sure that will change once March hits.

It's hard not stressing about money. Money that is not coming in. Luke has applied for unemployment, but was a mess. It's no wonder there are so many homeless people that haven't applied for unemployment. It's the most difficult process even having access to the internet and phone. Luke has spent hours on hold trying to talk with someone and still not getting all questions answered.

On top of all of this, there are the boys. Life goes on and they help us remember it daily. I know that H has picked up on that daddy doesn't go to work. He's even asked Luke about it. He's just so smart and always amazing us on his observations and statements. O is 1.5 and is constantly running into something or falling down. He tries so hard to keep up with big brother and ends up getting hurt in the process. He's not talking much, but knows what we are saying. For example, if I ask him to go get his shoes, he goes and gets them. I remember this stage with H and it is truly amazing. I just can't wait to hear him talk. Mostly because of his frustration right now. I am hoping the fits ease up, wishful thinking.

I am hoping to document this new phase of life with this blog. I don't love to write, so keeping up will be a challenge. Speaking of challenges, Luke and I have signed up to do our first triathlon. We have a training program that will lead us up to the race. It is 11 weeks, about a month away from starting. I've been trying to get back into shape from the 1/2 marathon in Oct. I'm not too worried about the run or bike, but the swim is another story. I used to swim, but haven't done it in years, since Florida. It's great exercise, but so draining. I'm excited to get started, but worried about keeping up with the training schedule, especially if I start working soon.

Progress on life will be posted soon.......
